Coach or athlete, novice or competitor, your fitness doesn't guarantee safety.
We spent over 2-years designing a course for non-martial artists
using functional fitness movements that can double as simple strikes when needed.
We unlocked a hidden arsenal inside every athlete!
Self-Defense Can & Should Be Taught Like First-Aid.
You can learn CPR and first-aid in a day and you'll have the skills to save a life...
(Of course, that doesn't make you a doctor.)
In the same way, you can learn the principles of 'personal safety' in a day...
(And this will not make you a Black Belt).
Because this Isn't A Martial Art Course.
The SPEAR System® is the most natural way to learn how to defend yourself.
This course will teach you the:
Situational Awareness, Fear Management, Verbal De-Escalation.
Plus you'll learn simple close-quarter strikes based on movement patterns you already can do.
The SPEAR System® is a primal gross motor movement used to get an attacker off you
We've been teaching our personal safety courses around the world for decades -
and as one of the most trusted self-defense training companies anywhere,
we're excited to share our system with you and your family.
Stay Safe,
Coach Tony Blauer
SPEAR System® & Be Your Own Bodyguard®
Learn the Hidden Arsenal Inside Functional Fitness Movements
This program will make you safer sooner.
If you're interested in personal safety and how to practice practical self-defense in your Box, gym, or martial art school, join our newsletter.
We'll send you occasional training tips and let you know when we are running courses.
Mental Toughness, Self-Reliance, Situational Awareness...
Participants are taught close quarter skills and combine fun, dynamic, and effective drills that are extremely effective for anyone of any age who may have to defend themselves.
☑ Improve awareness – learn how to detect and avoid danger.
☑ Defuse and de-escalate – learn simple strategies to resolve common conflicts and position oneself in a morally and legally tactical position.
☑ Manage fear and aggression – learn to identify and manage fear.
☑ Learn how to “flip the switch” to generate aggression and intensity to protect oneself or a loved one.
☑ Learn the world-renowned SPEAR System tools and tactics – learn physiology-based skills and drills for self-protection.
Work-Capacity, Peace of Mind, and some extra PRs
☑ Anyone can attend this course. You don't need to be a martial artist, an athlete, or a coach. The principles will make everyone tougher, safer, smarter.
☑ The most important weapon you possess is your mind - we will sharpen it.
☑ The BE YOUR OWN BODYGUARD course develops awareness, mindset, confidence, and self-reliance.
☑ The ability to protect yourself or a loved one is inarguably the single most important skill you hope you'll never need.
☑ You will be safer and smarter after one day.
Yes. And here's why:
This is NOT a martial art course. Martial arts and self-defense are different. You will learn the difference at this course.
☑ The BE YOUR OWN BODYGUARD program uses simple 'core to extremity' movements that share similar kinetic chains of self-defense strikes needed for personal defense. (E.g. If you can do a pushup, you can do a palm strike.)
☑ This results in a course designed to improve performance, as well as teach participants the essential tools for surviving a violent ambush.
☑ Participants will leave with skills to put into practice immediately.
☑ Our self-defense course uses movements that are “elemental and fundamental to your survival” so that you truly are “prepared for the unknown and the unknowable”.
☑ We utilize the power, speed, and intensity that functional fitness develops and teach participants how to strategically convert common movements into defensive and protective tactics.
☑ We are the world's leader in personal defense training. We've been teaching simple, smart, and responsible self-defense for over three decades. We pioneered a self-defense method based on natural behavior and physiology. Everyone can learn it, everyone can do it. We want to share this with you.